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Showing posts from April, 2012

[Article Comment] Economists Have a Lot to Learn From the Weather

A comment on Bloomberg View article: When I first started studying economics back in college, I was stunned: all consumers perfectly rational? Free markets always lead to maximization of utility? It was in a stark contrast to what I have experienced as someone who saw Soviet Union collapse and embrace the free market theology to the extreme. So I asked my professors: how could something this unrealistic explain all the complexity that actually exists? They told me you had to start with some assumptions to see the gist of it, but you can then relax them to arrive to the more realistic ones. To the best of my knowledge, a model that would really explain the real world of economics is still to be developed. But that doesn't seem to bother most of the economists. Neoliberalism (criticized by some bright minds, Joseph Stiglizt one of them) feels more like a religion than a science. Believed...