Last Friday I took a day off and headed to a local test center to sit my CAIA Level 1 exam. Without going into too much detail so as not to violate the non-disclosure clause one has to sign before taking the exam, here are some notes and personal reflections:
- The test is completely computer-based. No filling those circles on the answer sheet, as I had to for CFA.
- The test's difficulty was largely in line with my expectation, based on the CAIA Schweser Notes practice exams. I find the Notes slightly more complex and going into more detail, as a matter of fact.
- There was a number of questions that I am sure were not in the Notes, so for those who have the time, buying the official study materials is highly recommended.
Having said that, I think it's doable.
Thank you for the comment.
CAIA comes naturally to me as I am currently working for a third-party marketing firm specialized in Alternative Investments.
However, I strongly believe that CFA is much more useful both in terms of self-education and reputation, and I am aiming to get the designation (I am a L2 candidate now).
CAIA is a good addition to CFA, and only makes sense as a standalone certification if you are specialized in the Alternative Investments space. You can earn it much faster too.
If you are thinking about an endowment/pension, it's nice to have both CFA and CAIA, but if you have to choose one, go for CFA.
Hope this helps.