An excellent article and a consise but informative comparison table on financial certifications. A must-read for CFA and CAIA candidates. The Value of Professional Designations: CAIA, FRM, CRPC, CIMA, CIC, CFA Comparison table It seems that both CFA and CAIA are in great demand, so I am on the right course. The only tiny thing left is to get through all the exams and earn the designations. More late night studying ahead... P.S. I would like to thank Reza Mahmud for kindly sharing the sources on the LinkedIn CAIA group discussion board RELATED POSTS: CAIA Level 2 Exam Preparing for CAIA Level 2 CAIA Level 1 Exam CFA and CAIA Designations
A collection of information and opinions on the economy, alernative investments and investment banking as seen by a long-time foreign resident in Tokyo