Investment Banking Series Post 7 Roadshows 1. What is it anyway? Roadshow is basically marketing of the firm issuing securities to the potential investors. CFO, CEO and a few more people from senior managers hit the road and make presentations to all kind of investors in both group and one-to-one meetings. The presentation's contents are typically heavily curated by investment bankers to make sure that the equity story is as smooth and persuasive as possible, and they show and tell only the positive sides of their business. There would be an explanation of the existing business, and the expansion plans that will be financed by the proceeds from fund-raising. It is actually also a good opportunity for junior bankers to meet the company that they spend many days and nights to make look good in the pitch book. And the savvy ones would make good use of it to connect with the CEOs and CFOs that in the future may benefit from their investment banking services. 2. Inv...
A collection of information and opinions on the economy, alernative investments and investment banking as seen by a long-time foreign resident in Tokyo