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Showing posts from September, 2008

Handbook of Alternative Assets

I am now reading The Handbook of Alternative Assets by Mark Anson. It provides a very good step-by-step explanation of rather complex universe of Alternative Assets. However, I would still prefer to see Real Estate included, even though I understand the author's reasoning for not doing so. Plus, more details on the funds legal structure would also be useful.

SWFs: Useful links

Continuing the SWF topic, here are some useful links for everyone trying to keep track of the latest developments: Sovereign Wealth Fund Watch SWF Radar FT In depth: Sovereign Funds Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute TM If anyone is aware of other SWF-related resources, comments are welcome!

UFOs and SWFs

It seems that people always have to be afraid of something that is out there. When we are kids we are scared by the ghost stories, when we grow up we blame something more specific, that is out there, but what we wrongly take for something it is not. Take UFOs. Whatever the conspiracy theorists might have to say about them, they turn out to be planes or scientifically explainable atmospheric phenomena. But they are still spooky and scare some people. Now take SWFs. Also something that is (in common understanding) alien and mistaken for something it is not. And apparently, some people also find them spooky. This week IMF gathered the representatives of the world largest SWFs to agree on the draft of Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Sovereign Wealth Funds. Although not to be made public until October 11, when they will be presented to the IMF's governing council, they are said to contain 24 principles on [quote] legal, institutional and macroeconomic issues, as well as...