A surprisingly large number of companies in Japan are into Russia-focused M&A Recently I had some opportunities to talk to the bankers in the second-tier companies, and I was surprised by how strong and practical their interest to M&A deals between Japanese and Russian companies is. Although I am not at liberty to mention the company names, I am aware of one Japanese bank that has formed a partnership with a leading Russian brokerage/investment bank and is currently sourcing deals, of one Japanese diversified financial holding that is keen on Russian real estate, and one German bank that apparently has a dedicated team for this kind of deals. And I have a suspicion that this is only the tip of the iceberg. What is most surprising for me, is that the two Japanese financial behemoths, to one of which I belonged until very recently, apparently talk about Russia more than actually do anything. It is the second-tier companies that walk the talk. It is definitely a good news for me...
A collection of information and opinions on the economy, alernative investments and investment banking as seen by a long-time foreign resident in Tokyo